#Hell's Greatest Kids Gang
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pro-depresanti · 2 months ago
Hell's Greatest Kids Gang drabble
Viola, age 5, tinkering with her new design for a torture device on the floor in Vox's office.
Vox, in the middle of a phone call that's not going well: "Now listen here you little– Vi, sweetie, could you cover your ears for a moment?"
Viola: *holds her ears with her hands, completely unbothered*
Viola, with her ears still covered: "Can I try my new invention on them first?"
Vox: "Of course, dear. When are you going to finish it?"
Viola: "In an hour or two."
Vox: "That's great, sweetie! Good job, dad is very proud of you! MAKE THAT TWO HOURS, YOU HEAR ME!?– I DON'T CARE, MAKE IT FUCKING WORK!– Vi, how are you even hearing me?"
Viola: "I pick your signal through the antennas. And you're shouting."
Vox: ...
Viola: "I won't tell father(Alastor) you said no-no words in front of me." *gestures a closing zipper over her mouth*
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curtis-brothers-hug · 18 days ago
It must be so bizarre for the gang to hear Ponyboy complaining that Darry hates him. Because compared to all their parents, compared to everyone else in their neighborhood, Darrel Curtis is the greatest guardian to ever exist.
Darry makes sure Ponyboy stays in school (he even checks his homework!), he always makes sure Ponyboy is safe, always worries when Pony doesn’t come home when he said he would. He actually keeps track of when Pony is supposed to be home! He works so hard and makes sure his paychecks go to his brothers before anything else.
He never hits Ponyboy. Ever. (Later he will, once and only once, and he’ll beat himself up about it so bad you’d think he’d killed the kid.) He never gets drunk in front of Pony. He never throws anything at him. He never puts out cigarettes on his skin. He never kicks him out of the house. Pony says Darry “hollers” at him. They know hollering. Darry Curtis might as well be singing lullabies.
And when Darry does yell at Pony, it’s always about doing his homework and coming home at curfew (he gives him a curfew!). Not for bothering him for rides home, but for not calling him for a ride. Because he wants to keep Ponyboy safe. He wants Ponyboy to stay safe so badly that he yells at him when he doesn’t. If Darry hated Pony, he’d yell at him to get the hell out of the house, not into it; to get out of his sight, not stay in it.
When Pony gripes about how “cold and hard and unfeeling” Darry is, they’re like, what the actual fuck is he talking about? No dad or big brother in their entire neighborhood is as affectionate as Darry is with his kid brothers. Only the gang is privy to Darry hugging or tickling or picking up and carrying his brothers, but anyone can see that he’s never rough or mean to them.
And when they try to point out all this hard evidence, Pony just…..doesn’t believe it. Like he can think of some other reason why Darry does what he does.
As if they didn’t need more proof that Darry isn’t a goddamn saint, he seems to go along with it! Shortly after Johnny and Dallas die, Darry says, “I’m trying to do like Soda said and be softer on the kid.”
And Steve and Two-Bit and maybe Tim are like, softer than what?
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coldbagelfanstatesman · 1 month ago
Ultimate Batman by FitMarshmellow
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The main premise here is that this is a Bruce who never had an Alfred or some kind of guiding mentor after his parents' death. He was simply an angry soul in a tortured city. With no one to ground him in reality, it made the Batman persona not exactly darker than normal, but rather...
More pragmatic.
Bruce has no real notions of idealism. He has no strict moral code, he just has his mission: eradicate crime in Gotham City.He's not a murderer, but he isn't opposed to self-defense (as far as he knows). He isn't necessarily opposed to gun, yet he finds himself unable to use them. He is a pulp adventurer in a noir city that always seems to be in shades of gray.
That is until he meets a rough street-kid who dared to take the wheels of his car--Jason Todd. This is the story of two wounded children in a city that took everything away from them, learning to overcome their trauma and become more than their darkest fears. The concept is that we start in a Miller-Like Gotham: Dark, gritty, noir, but with Jason and Bruce working together, healing each other, you see Batman and Robin and Gotham go in a different direction.
Their mission going from "Eradicating Crime" to "Making Gotham the greatest city in the world."So, while we start off with a pragmatic Batman and a darker Robin, over time, they become their archetypical selves--their greatest selves, as Gotham goes from grayscale to popping with color.
We see a Jason shaped by his life on the streets, without parentage, without mentorship, who would like for nothing but to show the world that they don't matter as much as they made him feel like he doesn't matter.
He's angry, violent, he's... exactly like Bruce.
And Bruce sees that. And for the first time in his life since his parents' murder, Bruce takes the leap and lets a person into his heart. Jason is a problem child, of course. He quickly takes advantage of Bruce's extended absences in the night to sneak off and take on the 2-Gang much to Bruce's chagrin. Once Jason finds out he's Batman, he demands to be taken with him, to be trained. Bruce is extremely reluctant, but between him sneaking out while he can't be around and him being alongside him where he can keep watch...
Bruce makes a risky decision. And that's how The Dynamic Duo is born. Jason's suit in this universe is actually a gift from Kal. It is made of impenetrable Kryptonian fabric in order to give him a layer of protection while out in the field.
On a greater meta-textual level, this story is about childhood naiveté and how it's necessary to the superhero genre.This Batman does not become the Batman we know until he gets a child's perspective. Until he finally reopens the door to the grieving child in his heart and finally lets him free. He goes from a man hell-bent on punishing the evils of the world to a man dreaming of a better one and making it happen.
All because one day, in an alley, he saw a lost boy...And wasn't afraid to show him that he was loved.
So broad strokes: We gradually go from Frank Miller Batman to Adam West Batman in one story!
Now on the design front, Batman is wearing a relatively classic costume paired with a Dracula collar for extra flair.Jason's Robin costume is a mix of his debut suit with Robin OYL and Red Robin, to give him a pop color feel, while keeping him in line with the pulp noir feel.
And yes, Jason is the first (and hopefully only) Robin Bruce will have. In a way, we'll get to see how he would've turned out if he wasn't in Dick's shadow and wasn't taken from the world too soon.
A Jason that could actually heal from his rough upbringing.
Not my idea, Art and Pitch comes from here: https://x.com/FitMarshmellow/status/1772322750796865885
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youngdutchishot · 8 months ago
Something about a fifteen year old running away from home isn't out of the ordinary. But, it truly does conjure the question as to why he had and never even came back either. He could've returned to his mother at any moment, but must've chose not to.
And another thought I've had. Was he alone for all those years until he reached his mid twenties and had met Hosea? Did he run with minor gangs or was he a "lone wolf", and kept to himself?
If he was by himself all that time then hell, that's nearly 9 years. And even if he "ran" with other people, he probably never grew an actual connection like he had with Hosea, and was still most likely extremely alone and lonely.
AND. Back to his relationship with Greta. Usually there's a reason children / teens run away from home. And, shocker, that reason's usually never the greatest. Kids will be reckless, they'll disobey sure, but to never go back? Well, now. That's a different story. Not much is exactly said of his mother, expect his quotes in The New South mission. Sure, his gravestone indicates she was a very loving mother, but with how he spoke of her I do think otherwise. Maybe I've read into his tone too much, but he feels slightly distasteful from the thought of it.
Before this "I left home at fifteen and didn't see her again." brief pause~ "She and I didn't always[pause] see eye to eye.." another pause~ "I wasn't always a very obedient child." Said certainly? Said bitterly, as if he's been told that by her before- huh what who said that? Seriously, before that there hadn't been many pauses, he spoke coherent. Wasn't hesitant.
His tone softens as he says the next "Still.. I loved her[brief pause] in my own way[pause], and she me in hers." Then he makes this joke "Somehow, even from the grave, she managed to have the last laugh." Like a "well she is my mother I can't just not love her how ungrateful would I be to ignore her love" if that makes any sense. I don't think she was the spawn of satan, but, I do not think she was the greatest mom either. And it probably left him feeling not-so-good(to put it politely ) as he grew up without much guidance, if any at all.
AND- AND, final thought lol. If he didn't properly grieve Hosea, he most definitely did not properly grieve his father's death. He was, If I had to guess, near 9-10 of age? Could be younger, I might be incorrect. But that's still quite young to lose a parent, and you could rightfully assume he didn't know how to deal with that properly( proper for himself) because he was a child. That's where resentment builds. Towards not only the southerners, but his father, too. Maybe not as vast as those whom murdered his father, but a stem of resentment for leaving him alone. Not being there.
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princess-glassred · 5 months ago
I have an idea for a very intentionally campy and over the top little IT au: 1970's rollerdisco au.
It's like the late 70's and the losers club (minus Eddie) are these spandex wearing glittery gay teenagers that fucking LOVE rollerdisco so much it's like all they ever do. Mike's parents own the whole disco, Richie's obssessed with their arcade games, Ben, Bill, and Bev are poly and constantly go on dates here, and stan has a part time job there, so they basically spen all their time here. Then they meet Eddie who's this total square loser who they can immediately tell is a square loser because he wears baggy brown sweaters and jeans to a skate rink. The losers take a real liking to Eddie and give him a glittery 1970's disco makeover that makes him look utterly ridiculous totally cool and hip! Then they find out he's actually a master at roller disco despite never even putting on skates before in his entire life, but they gotta keep it a secret cause his mom is gonna lose her shit if she finds out about it. To sonia, Rollerdisco is as bad as, if not worse than, herion and gang violence.
Then there's a stupid rollerdisco contest and the losers gotta go against their arch rivals, Henry, Belch, Vic, Patrick, Connor, and Greta to win it. Don't worry though, they also look totally ridiculous in their rollerdisco clothes. Henry specifically wears a hot pink jacket, hot pink sweat band, hot pink spandex suit, and knee high socks to skate. You know it's bad when the most ridiculous aspect of Henry's appearance ISN'T his mullet. All of the losers hate him because he's the undefeated champion and won't shut the fuck up about it. Eddie is so good he might be able to take home the gold and wipe that smug ass smile off his face.
Nothing in this au is supposed to be taken seriously, everything is unbelievably lame but treated like it's the coolest thing ever. Sonia is out here telling Eddie the only place he's gonna be roller skating in his hell because he put on glittery eye shadow. Greta's reaction to seeing Eddie's moves is "Look how funky he is! We can never beat that!", Bev has her hair so crimped it looks like it exploded, nobody seems aware that disco is gonna die in like five years, despite the fact there are no drugs in this disco everyone acts like they're on ecstacy, Butch is putting unbearable pressure on Henry to win like this is some kind of extreme sport, and the losers and Henry's smack talk is just cringe through and through. Even though this au is satirical these kids aren't doing this stuff with any hint of irony, they fully believe this roller skating is the greatest and most important thing in the universe. I think it would be funny if Henry still tried to murder all of them in this au, and it eventually devolves into some fever dream slasher.
I kind of picture everyone in this au just dressing like this all the time:
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kissorkill16 · 8 months ago
I Was Am His Friend: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
Summary: Possessed Nicky.
For @averagenickyrothfan
The Inventor's Club was running through the tunnels of the weather station, trying to get away from the humanoid bird called Crowface. Luckily, it hadn't caught up to them yet.
But something else had, and they couldn't tell whether or not it was better or worse than Crowface.
Nicky was clutching his stomach, gritting his teeth, breathing heavily, tears rolling down his cheeks, and blood running down his nose.
Trinity turned around to see him, and slowly walked towards him. "Nicky? What's wrong?"
Nicky backed away from Trinity, curling in on himself. "Trinity, I need you to listen to me.", he said. "I need you to take everyone and get them out of here."
"Take everyone and get them out of the tunnels. Run, keep running, get as far away from me and this place as you possibly can."
"Nicky, what's wrong?"
"Trinity, this is not a drill! You need to get out of here! Please!"
Delroy gently pushed Trinity out of the way, "Listen, weirdo, we don't have time for this. Crowface is on our tail and -"
Nicky screamed and clutched his arm, "Please!"
The gang backed away from Nicky, trying not to get scared.
Nicky began crying softly, still clutching at his arm, "Please, guys! I love you all so much, I don't want you to get hurt. So please, get out of here before you can't...any..."
Nicky let go of his arm, his face fell blank. His eyes were now as black as a void.
Trinity moved closer to Nicky, gently touching his shoulder. "Nicky...?"
The boy slowly got up, his head facing the ground, and when he looked up, he was smiling so big his face could split in half.
"Hello, friends."
The gang backed away further from Nicky.
"Nicky, what's wrong with you?", asked Maritza.
Nicky moved closer to Maritza. "Sweet little Maritza, I am not Nicky. I'm Nicky's best friend, the embodiment of Nicky's greatest fears.",said the thing that was currently taking control of Nicky.
Delroy gripped Nicky's wrist, "Nick, I don't know what shit you're trying to pull here, but this isn't funny. So cut the bullshit and -"
The possessed boy let out a shrill, unholy screech. He pulled Nicky's wrist away from him, and scratched Delroy's face, leaving three red marks making him fall to the floor.
"I don't like it when you touch him. Nicky is my friend, you're all just a bunch of children."
Trinity pressed her fingers to her temple. "Who the hell are you? What have you done with my friend?"
The possessed boy turned his head all the way around, then the rest of his body. "HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND! You're just the pathetic little girl who hated him from the start. You all hated him, yet he still considered you all his friends."
The kids didn't dare to move, they just stood in place.
The possessed boy grabbed Trinity's hand, and intertwined their fingers together.
"I was always there for him. When Aaron and Mya went missing, when Mr. Peterson kidnapped him, when he spent so long in the basement, begging for the man to let him out. I distracted him with games, and he resisted at first, but he eventually came around. He just wanted to stay with me and play games, and here you children come and disrupt our playtime, ruining everything."
Trinity couldn't stop the hyperventilating she was now doing.
"Stay away from Nicky, leave us alone, never come near him again, or else."
Trinity pulled her hand away from the possessed boy.
Delroy walked forward, "I may not have liked Nicky so much, but this is just so fucking messed up. You're not his friend, you're just haunting him."
"Yeah! We saved him from that hell house, and you just brought him more pain.", said Maritza.
"So get out of our friend's body, before we make you.", said Enzo.
The smile fell from the possessed boy's face, and he let out another unholy screech, lunging at Maritza.
Trinity ripped off her sleeve, and wrapped it around Nicky's throat, making him let go of Maritza.
Nicky screeched at her, and clawed at her face like he did to Delroy. The long and red marks that covered Trinity's face didn't stop her one bit. She didn't let go of the sleeve around the possessed boy's neck, "Get out of my friend!"
Nicky screeched at her, and kept screeching at her and clawing at his neck, trying to get the sleeve to rip.
He didn't even have time to register the bat that came down on his head, knocking him out, making him fall to the ground.
Delroy slowly sat down beside Nicky, pulled out some bandages from his backpack, and wrapped them around Nicky's bleeding head. He hoisted Nicky up, holding him like he was going to give him a piggyback ride.
"Can we go home now?", asked Delroy.
Trinity nodded, leading the kids out of the tunnels.
"Also, if any of you tell anyone else I did this, I will end all of you."
"Yeah, sure, whatever.", said Maritza.
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punks-never-die205 · 11 months ago
Some more ideas for Kids & Killers childhood (except from what Oda revealed so far)? Do you think Killer was some kind of adoptive father for Kid? Poor boy looked so neglected 😢👦🏻👶🏻
So, in the very loose head canon I have for Kid and Killer:
Kid was abandoned so young he has no idea who his parents were. I've said before, but I really think even his name was just the other islanders grumbling about having to feed "that useless kid" and eventually he just decided his name was Eustass Kid. (Admittedly this only really works with English, but whatever - alternatively, Kid and Killer might've named one another at some point, leaving behind whatever names they had prior).
Killer, I feel like, had a family - or a parent at least, but not a good one. On the level of Kid and Killer killed whoever was looking after Killer because that person was that bad.
So Killer probably helped keep Kid alive, and then Kid helped Killer murder his wildly abusive parent/s and that's how they survived that island long enough to get strong enough to have their own gang, etc. etc.
It also lays in the groundwork for why Murder = Problem Solved is a bit of a canonical go to for these guys - or at least why they talk about it so easy. We hear about them killing folks for laughing at them, but the greatest act of violence we ever see verified for them was stringing up the Brownbeard pirates on crosses.
Certainly not a "nice" thing to do, but a far cry from murder - and those guys ended up on Punk Hazard, and hell what Kid did them was practically gentle comparatively.
But I guess what I mean is, I don't doubt that Kid and Killer have done some shit, but I just don't think they've ever done mindlessly violent, or violence for violence's sake, kinds of things.
Ah, but I'm digressing. I guess to get to the point I think Killer is protective of Kid for a lot of reasons, and it probably started with him being the older "big brother" role for a while. I feel like Kid wouldn't have ever "insulted" Killer by referring to him as his dad, I just feel like the both of them have a disdain for parents. I'm even willing to bet that Victoria's parents were utter crap too, and that's one of the many reasons the three of them ended up so close.
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almost-correct-quotes · 4 months ago
dion & kane as lyrics... 2
bc i've, like, doubled the length of the playlist since i originally posted it lmao
Dion: Hold Me Like a Grudge - Fall Out Boy
Hold me like a grudge The world is always spinning, and I can't keep up Faster and faster, can't do it on my own Part-time soulmate, full-time problem
Dion: Banks - Lincoln
I said I don’t know what to do anymore As if I knew what to do before I can fuck up almost anything
I don’t think that I would exactly call it love But it’s dripping down my consciousness As you’re slipping down my lungs
Dion: My Greatest Ache - Broken at Best
Quick, think of anything Just as hurtful, just to hurt you As long as I get the last word in I win
You act like you're perfect A medium for peace But please, I see right through you You're as bitter as me And you said that I'm heartless Oh, but I loved you once
Dion: Halloween - Noah Kahan
But the wreckage of you, I no longer reside in And the bridges have long since been burnt The ash of the home that I started the fire in It starts to return to the Earth I'm leavin' this town and I'm changin' my address I know that you'll come if you want It's not Halloween, but the ghost you dressed up as Sure knows how to haunt, yes, it knows how to haunt
(pre-series) Dion: Runaway Kids - HARBOUR
Where we're from You know I hate this town And one by one I'm gonna burn these buildings down Let's head for the sun And we'll avoid this drought
Kane: Bones Don't Rust - The Mountain Goats
Never any call for a lone wolf You have to learn to go with the flow But they can find a use for a scarecrow Depending on your stomach for crows Always gonna need a little muscle If you prove yourself worthy of trust Your bones don't rust
Work on just a couple hours' rest Your bones don't rust They stay hard as diamonds They cut through steel
Always on the edge of collapse now Absolutely nobody cares But everybody loves a professional Not a single track in the dust Your bones don't rust
Kane: Aqua Regia - Sleep Token
The perfect start to a perfect war Putting down the roses, picking up the sword
Well, my past is a holy book A call from Olympus, ringing off the hook Between the pain and the way you look I'm stuck in a time where the mountains shook
Kane: Keep Me In the Open - Gang of Youths
I don’t know if I blame you for being so distant But I’m tryna be real with you, and God, it’s been a hell of a week And I just wanna relate to you in a true way If it means being here with you, then hey, I am trying to be I’ll always struggle to think of you in a harsh way I know that it’s weird but I still see you for the human beneath I wish that I was in love with your endless bullshit But I’m a "heart in the gutter" type, asleep on a stranger's knee I’m getting used to the sleepless hours from sundown The terrible dreams that lead me inward to terrible truths But in my blood, some electric holy yearning Carries an impulse to get shit-faced on you
Dion: No Children - The Mountain Goats
And I hope when you think of me years down the line You can't find one good thing to say And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out You'd stay the hell out of my way
Game Shows Touch Our Lives - The Mountain Goats
I held on to you with a desperate strength With everything, with everything in me
People say friends don't destroy one another What do they know about friends?
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idkwhatimdoingbutslay · 4 months ago
(Note rambles up ahead)
Some of the greatest sibling representation I’ve seen. These kids are amazing. With just a few lines, everything just clicks. Their circumstances, their position between each other, the dynamics. Just something about it all works so well. 
I LOVE how sunlight looks in this show GOSH
And the colour blue immediately standing out is great foreshadowing. You see it already in the cold opening with Powder’s hair and then again and again with her hair AND the hex crystals. 
Jayce having those hex crystals just sitting around this guy 😭
How were all of these enforcers so slow. I’m surprised there were no citizens trying to get in on the fun but also not at all. Living in their own bubble with the dutiful enforcers as protectors and heroes. 
I love how movement looks in this show. So fluid. 
I miss you Claggor and Mylo :(
“Trouble finds you” me when fate in Arcane :((((
Fortiche x Saliva and Blood they could never make me hate you
THE SCOREEEE DAMNNNN. You don’t notice it until it’s super obvious, the only way a score should be. 
Where the gang got beat up is so abandoned. Considering how Piltover is built, I wonder who lives there
A nail bomb is still insane. 
To think I really thought on my first watch that they’d dive in to get the bag back :(
Wow remember when Vi’s self regulation was kind of good?
I LOVE the design of the Undercity. Its rough, mishmash landscape coated in green in comparison to the sunlight and blues and golds of Topside. 
omg the ponytail on huck :(to think where it ends up)
Why is this man Australian 😭
Vander really had ride or dies ……
Vander you’re a father!!!!!!!!!
Vander aligning himself with Vi :( they are soooo riddled with guilt omg
The way the colour blue is used in this show is perfect. Blue is supposed to be a sign of life, full of beauty, but it’s so foreboding. 
Claggor they robbed me of you 
What did Grayson even see in Marcus, I don’t understand? I don’t care how much of an obligation her felt for Piltover, it’s so obviously built on his disdain for the Undercity
Grayson and Vander are NOT in the same boat. Stop trynna do that
Blue is back in Silco’s lair
Wow his intro is perfection
What was Jayce even getting in the Undercity ??
Wouldn’t mind a little more on Jayce’s backstory tbh 
The fact that Jayce has a confirmed hyper fixation of rocks is great. 
Never ever get catch me skipping this intro!!!!
Oh do I love a good conundrum! Stfu Heimerdogger 😭
Richest person in Piltover but the poorest Medarda……….. Capitalism and elitism is one hell of a drug
KIRAMMANS!!!!! I love that Caitlyn is even involved in the conversation with her parents regarding Jayce and that her input is valued. Her parents knew how smart she was, but eventually it stopped being very beneficial to Cass. Her smarts put her and their system in danger. 
Tobias calling Cass darling 🤭🤭🤭
Hi Sevika ✊🏾
I love the councilor’s designs I really do :( you’d think that Cassandra is the most boring looking, but there’s something so classic about her look. 
The way the councilors are judge, jury and executioner 
“If we condone this, what’s next” this mentally in Act I is soooo frustrating. 
I don’t completely hate Heimerdinger’s view on magic cuz he’s objectively right, but, again, the council is wayyyy too concerned about protecting their little bubble. What is REAL progress? Can we sacrifice real progress for comfort? No, not at all. And so much power is ALREADY in the wrong hands. Him and his peers’ hands. 
Piltover is way too quick in condemnation I have no idea how they function like that
The spit that comes out when Silco says “Power” during his speech to Deckard… I hate this show 😭
Not me feeling sorry for Jayce. Rip. 
The our love scene is so…….. like this song should NOT BE HERE
“You’ve got a good heart” speech. KILL ME
“I’m guessing that’s for me” Grayson says about Vi……. Yeah I hate that. Vi isn’t cargo or product she’s a suffering child
Vander and Vi are wayyyyyyy to similar I hate their screwed up, self sacrificial, altruism in these awful circumstances 
The way people just…. Die in this show. Such a heavy consequence and there isn’t even anything crazy dramatic about it all. Benzo and Grayson are just gone… No coming back. But Grayson’s death is still baffling to me. All Topside seems to ever want is condemnation and yet their sheriff dies and there doesn’t seem to be a massive uproar? We need to see what happens during the time jump :(((((
Now look what you’ve done Marcus 😭 All for what? Marcus get a grip challenge
Jayce and Viktor are at it!!!!! Her kings!!!!!!
Silco saying he doesn’t want to win in the war, he just wants to scare Piltover and earn respect. Like come on, this isn’t about anybody else but himself and his own gain! It was not about the Undercity being able to thrive, it was about the Undercity functioning under his control without Topside interference. He wanted to replace topside, not dismantle the system. The writing for him is very good
Need to understand the different regions of both Topside and the Undercity
Damn does this show know how to age characters. 
Shimmer is such a stupid name 😭 Hextech isn’t all that good either
“Land of progress, equality, innovation” EAT MY CHEEKS! Jayce’s naivety I don’t entirely hate but damn is it frustrating. 
Og fight between big tattoo guy and Vi 🙏🏾
Wow I HATE this episode. The insane foreboding feeling is just so overwhelming like I’m actually going to be sick
Claggor and Mylo are so similar to Silco and Vander I think. 
A little confused on how deckard kind just went back to normal after taking shimmer. How does the body bounce back like that? Especially in its unstable form?
The way everything is just going right, I HATEEEEEE THIS SHOWWWW
Learning to love the Hextech plot line, it’s very fun with some great character dynamics on all sides. It’s a good way to represent Topside while still completely contrasting what we are all too aware of in regards to the Undercity. 
Wonder how the power of the Hextech exploded Sevika’s harm and everyone else’s limbs were fine, and Clag and Mylo were killed indirectly
Where did the rest of the crystals end up going? Just out of use? Because Powder seemed to have a decent amount and I don’t think they were all used at the canary? Unless I’m wrong 
Wow this episode is awful
Silco literally stabbing Vander in the back. I feel like a lot of the Silco metaphors were very in the nose lol. Like the cat and mouse
Vander choosing to save Vi over killing silco for good :(
“I only wanted to help” IM GONNA SISNSIDNJSNSJEND
Marcus you are NOT the hero here do NOT piss me off
Powder is so needy it hurts. Meeting silco in desperation and tragedy and soon relishing in it. Isn’t that nice. 
Goodbye makes me so emotional :(((((
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Hear me out, an ORV Strangers From Hell AU.
For all the people that don't know about Strangers From Hell, this K-drama was adapted from a webtoon and it is about a guy who after his army service moves to a run down apartment(he is broke). He meets the tenants of the building and guess what they are all cannibals. The head of the cannibal gang (who is also a dentist) wants to make our main character his greatest masterpiece. He succeeds.
TL;DR: It's kind of Hannibal except it's WAY better (trust me on this)
So KDJ moves to this run down building with Biyoo (personally I am in favor of Biyoo as his daughter). He meets the tenants but can't help but feel that something is going on behind those faux smiles.(with the exception of LHS. My guy can't fake a smile to save his life.) They want to kill him and eat him. But then they see things: how KDJ is worryingly thin, How much the kids love him, how he tries to look out for everyone in their own way. And they all start to get attached.
In this universe, he is still hunted down by reporters and is harrassed at his job. Somehow all those nosy reporters have not come for sometime and KDJ is often gifted meat from a lot of people. When asked they point out how thin he is and that protein helps to build up muscles. After KDJ is done with how people in his job treat him, he quits. He becomes HSY's editor (he may or may not know that). All the people that have ever hurt him cannot touch him here. Here he learns to relax and be loved and to love openly.
KimCom is happy to see KDJ happy and congratulates themselves on a job well done. After all, since KDJ is now an editor he works at home (or HSY's work place) and whenever he goes out someone will always make sure to be with him. If he is in their sight then he can't leave and do unnecessary things. And they are feeding him the people that have hurt him, with KDJ oblivious to it all..... Or is he? [KDJ smiles to himself. After all, someone has to ensure that the police do not suspect The Industrial Complex Apartments for the disappearance of the missing people, especially since all of them have a history with the tenant(s) of this place. What they don't know won't hurt them.]
Lee Jihye has never seen Kim Namwoon act like this. He calls the new tenant 'grasshopper ahjussi' and although he is happy to spend time with the ugly ahjussi (so is she but she'll rather eat dirt than admit that). When asked about his nickname, Kim Namwoon would pale and say that he is sworn to secrecy. Lee Jihye wonders if the ahjussi is hiding something underneath that rat-like smile.
You know how KimCom is like, two steps to the left away from being yanderes for KDJ? Well this is the AU in which they get to be! Good for them!
To all the people that have read this whole thing: Thank you very much for reading this rambling.
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sky-is-the-limit · 1 year ago
I'm sorry but your posts questioning Mary's actions are so REAL bc what the actual fuck..that woman had the opportunity to have ARTHUR MORGAN!!! and threw it away like it was nothing and then people go on to ship them together and defend their relationship and I'm just like girl what are you even defending?!? her constantly calling on Arthur to do some chores for her and after he's done she just sends him on his merry way???! I'm sorry but that's not healthy at all and even if Arthur is a "bad" man who kills and robs he doesn't deserve to be played like that, hell all the camp women try to convince him not to go visit her but he just can't stop himself (I just need one night with him he'll forget what is a mary and what is a linton)
There's people who legit ship them?!?😭 What even???? That woman didn't deserve an inch of him and don't start with the "back in the day-" girl, if you legit cared about that man and wanted him, you'd try and do everything to be with him.
She literally told him to change his ways with that disappointing look like girl ik you agree with your lame ass dad, leave Arthur alone. Even if she genuinely loved and cared for him all those years ago, feelings can change and turn into manipulation.
She literally only reached out to him to use him for help. And I understand the first time, it was her little brother who had a good relationship with Arthur but her dad!??!?! Fuck that. I declined and don't regret it one bit, I'll do it the second and third time as well.
You knew that he was an abandoned kid who had nothing and got raised by a literal gang. What made her think that he'd be a lawman? Or ditch the only family he had ever known and change one of his greatest qualities which was loyalty to be in a suit and play 'lord'? As if they wouldn't hate him still and treat him like shit for the life he previously had.
The goodbye letter pissed me off so much. What was the reason? If you loved him, why torture him like that knowing that he still cared about you even though you hurt him. She literally made him feel unworthy of love. Sending back the ring? Something that he gave you with so much love? For what? And I don't remember which girl was it, either Karen or Mary-Beth, who said that 'that girl doesn't deserve you' damn right she doesn't. She never did.
No one says that she had to settle for an outlaw, but tormenting and manipulating a man who gave you his heart and more is messed up. Especially Arthur who was so kind and caring despite his upbringing. You were hopeless for your brother? Okay, ask for help and MOVE ON. Leave that man alone. Nah, fuck that girl.
If you wanna know what real love and loyalty is, take a look at Abigail.
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pro-depresanti · 2 months ago
I tried to draw them, I realized I don't know how to draw children, so:
The fankids for the ships I like
affectionately dubbed "Hell's Greatest Kids Gang"
Venera (variation of Venus, goddess of love, beauty and war; venus flytrap), daughter of Alastor and Valentino:
deer ears, neck fluff, Val's skin color, four arms, wavy dark red hair
acidic saliva that dissolves anything organic after long exposure, has Alastor's magic
wears lots of dresses with huge skirts and a ton of colorful hairpins, some made by Viola
besties with Velvette, aunt-niece relationship, Velvette does her hair and teaches her fashion design
biggest attitude an 8 years old can have, will bite and kick with little provocation, doesn't take anyone's opinion or advice, her dads are very proud she's building character from early on
on the introverted side, if she decides she doesn't like someone that's final
Valentino spoils her rotten, Alastor is the only one able to tell her no
every single worker is told to not let her anywhere near Val's workplace on the penalty of slow and painful death (applies to all kids(the V-Tower is the designated hangout spot))
enjoys every sort of craft she can get her hands on – embroidery, taxidermy, miniatures, knitting (takes a week tops to get bored and move on to the next thing)
best friends with Bella, pretends to be annoyed at her but they both know it's not serious
Viola (variation of Violet (the flower)), daughter of Vox and Alastor:
TV antennas, blueish skin, Vox's eyes, deer tail and hooves, curly dark blue hair that's usually in pigtails or an elaborated braided style made by Velvette or Rosie
can hypnotize people for short period of time, can breathe underwater (loves swimming with Vox's sharks, one tried to eat her once and she bit it instead, since then they respect her)
cottagecore style with a mix of steampunk, doesn't take off her goggles, makes her own jewelry and accessories of junk laying around (and they look damn good), has an apron that's always stained
bookworm, quiet, shy, 99% of the time she's doing her own thing and prefers being alone
massive appetite, snacks constantly, loves tea
very interested in medieval torture methods, designs and constructs her own torture devices and her dads are happy to bring in test subjects for her
very good at chess, can beat pretty much anyone that isn't very into it, plays a lot with Kai
Rosie is her designated grand aunt, teaches her to be a proper lady, aka table manners and how to skin a body without getting blood all over her clothes
the other kids try to recruit her for mischief, if she actually agrees to participate it will get ugly and messy
rarely gets angry, but when she does it's game over, even her dads are a tiny bit scared of her
Vortex (whirling mass of air), son of Vox and Valentino:
tv head, 4 arms, gray purpleish skin, shark tail
can teleport through tech, him and Vox play tag and hide and seek any chance they get
wears denim overalls that never stay clean for more than 10 seconds, Viola makes him junk jewelry and he ADORES them because they jingle when he runs
hyperactive, do NOT give him sugar, always talking, always running around, always looking to destroy something, practically bounces off the walls
Ipad kid, needs to be entertained constantly
his dads keep him away from their work, but he's still interested in movie production and editing, Vox and Val make mock raw footage appropriate for his age so he can edit it, is VERY good at it
if a mischief plan is complex enough, he'll hack into the camera and audio feat to hide the evidence
pesters Matteo a lot because he listens to his endless ramblings
besties with Oberon because they're both always up for chaos
Bella (Latin origin, beautiful), daughter of Angel and Valentino:
moth wings, spider eyes, antennas, 6 arms, light pink skin, white hair
really flexible, joints practically can do 360
always happy, always smiling, basically a younger version of Charlie, very polite, a bit introverted, doesn't cause trouble, gives hugs likes there's no tomorrow
mismatching style, anything from flowy skirts to tshirts and jeans, usually pink or any pastel colors
loves to make mud pies and potions, steals Angel's makeup and is good at doing it for her age
Husk treats her as his own child
Angel teaches her to dance, they choreograph whole shows for Husk and Charlie, sometimes Niffty watches the shows too
Charlie ADORES her, styles her hair every chance she gets
Angel tries to hide her existence from Valentino, Val 'kidnaps' her when she is 3 (as soon as he finds out about her), Angel and the Hotel crew (Alastor included) barge into V-Tower, only to find Val, Velvette, Bella, Viola and Venera having a tea party (Alastor obviously knew lol, didn't say shit), Bella is attached at this point, regular visits are negotiated, Valentino is flabbergasted they would think he would harm a child and ends up toning down his act a bit from then on (cue to Alastor vouching for Val and the shock that follows)
has a lot of conflicting feelings about Valentino since Angel hates him so much, which leads to a lot of daddy issues
hangs out a lot with Venera, they put on fashion shows for the other kids and their parents (Velvette hates kids but would adopt them both)
Matteo (Italian, gift of god) son of Husk and Angel
carbon copy of Husk but with 6 arms and Angel's eyes
always bored, constantly pesters KeyKey and Fat Nuggets, will adopt any street animal in a 5 mile radius
is forbidden from going anywhere near the hotel bar simply because he'll break everything, loves shiny things
likes leather jackets since he could pick his own clothes
Angel teaches him to shoot guns, Husk teaches him how to fight
has an immaculate poker face and learns card games and tricks fast, Husk is very very proud
very extroverted when he likes the person, quick learner, natural leader, will probably grow up to be an Overlord, him and Kai are the voice of reason for the other kids
steals knickknacks for the sake of it, has a whole collection (unrelated, Viola is always confused where her creations go)
been warned about Alastor a million times, but Alastor likes him quite a lot, Matteo doesn't understand why Husk wants him to stay away
very good listener, always up to hear what Vortex is up to
Kai (protector), son of Vaggie and Charlie:
glowing feathery wings that aren't retractable, blond hair, purplish light gray skin, Vaggie's eyes
can sing like an angel (literally) and can hypnotize people with it
wears simple and muted colored clothes, lots of sweaters and loose pants
always grumpy, always annoyed, hates the world, holds grudges for life
Charlie babies him a lot and he despises it, Vaggie tries to play the middleman between them
Lucifer adores him, can't put him down because what do you mean he's a grandpa now?!?!?
prefers to read and draw, rarely left in peace to do so
refuses to sing for any reason, hates sticking out so much since he's basically 3/4 angel and 1/4 human and sticks out in Hell, very introverted
doesn't like hanging out with the other kids, but always does to make sure they're okay
Charlie is constantly worried for him
can fight, Vaggie made sure of it
whenever he hangs out with the kids in the V-Tower (those 7 are basically the only kids in Pride and are around the same age, there aren't many options), Valentino gives him art lessons, Kai has asked many times jokingly for Val to adopt him, Val is basically his designated cool uncle
Oberon (from the ballet The Dream), son of Carmilla and Zestial:
dark skin, looks like a scarecrow, VERY tall
loves attention but doesn't get it from his parents, a never ending "it's not a phase" phase
insanely quick reflexes
sees his father once in a blue moon, has a ton of daddy issues, hates how Carmilla, Odette and Clara treat him like a child (he IS a child)
very sheltered (it backfired badly), sneaks out a lot, instigator for bad ideas, practically lives in the V-Tower
started pestering Velvette out of spite because his mother hates her, Velvette makes him clothes out of spite because she hates his mother, they get along nicely
him and Vortex are attached at the hip
master of all weaponry, designs guns that he and Viola end up assembling and give to Matteo to distribute (Carmilla has no idea who the fuck else is making and selling angelic weapons because those are NOT hers)
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dangerously-happy-world · 1 year ago
Jigen Daisuke: The Movie.
(Trailer narrated by Akio Otsuka!)
Tetsuji Tamayama-Jigen Daisuke
(Legendary sharpshooter and partner of lupin the third)
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Kotoka Maki- Oto Mizusawa
(Silent girl being hunted down by the gangs of mud fish town)
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Mitsuko Kusafue- Chiharu Yaguchi
(Little old lady running a shop by herself on the top floor, but in her basement, she's the world greatest blacksmith)
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Yoko Maki- Adele
(Former Assassin who lost her voice and leg from a tragedy in her past, hell bent on finding Oto)
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Masatoshi Nagase- Takeshi Kawashima
(Right-hand man to Adele, master of disguise assassin who is trying to figure out if he's alive or not)
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"After years with his Combat Magnum, jigen sees that his trusty revolver is showing its age, not doing so well. Needing a professional touch to fix up his Magnum, he visits Chiharu Yaguchi, "the best blacksmith in the world," located in mud fish town, where he stumbles upon a little kid, Oto Mizusawa, who's being hunted by gangs on orders from the Former assasin but still very deadly Adele, the boss of mud fish town with her right-hand man, Takeshi Kawashima, a deadly master of disguise.
Jigen will need to keep his wits up and his finger on the trigger as he tries to protect Oto, get his Magnum back while unraveling tragic pasts, and voices lost."
The movie will be available globally via Amazon Video [subscription Required] on October, Friday the 13th, 2023.
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arkhammaid · 2 years ago
the consequences of jason losing a poll (for dummies)
help jason to win this poll so history doesn't repeat itself!!
he died, beaten up and then blown up by the joker, when he was just 15
but before that, his birth mother sold him out to the joker, knowing he was robin, so he died betrayed by his own freaking mother
(bruce came too late to save him)
some time later, he dug himself out of his own grave and was pretty much braindead
he got picked up and then trained by assassins only for them to throw the equivalent of healing hell water
later he found out that bruce (batman) replaced him and got another robin
but the biggest betrayal is the joker still being alive and free (and remaining unavenged)
proof of the poll jason lost (and lost his life as consequence)
i could add more, instead have some fun facts about him
was a street kid before he met batman and lived in the crime alley
stole the tires of the batmobile and only got caught by batman (bruce) because he went back to get all off
went up against deathstroke, sent him flying with a kick and survived
broke out of supergirl’s grip twice (as ordinary human!!)
has magic swords known as the all-blades. he’s the only mortal who can summon them
tossed bane (estimated weight of 250-350 pounds) with a leg grapple
can remove someones power and immortality. he already did once
here are more facts about jason todd many people forget about by @obsidianjewel
he’s an avid fan of reading (he’s seen reading classics in the comics)
in one universe, he’s actually a priest
just because he uses guns doesn’t mean he’s bad with other weapons. he can be considered as one if the greatest martial artists due to his wide verity of teachers he had
he once was batman
he calls himself red hood because the joker was rumored to be once part of the red hood gang
he leads the dark trinity (as opposed to the trinity: superman, wonder woman and batman) together with bizarro, a superman clone, and artemis, an amazon, he forms the outlaws
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holfelderwrites124 · 4 months ago
Thanks for the tag @illarian-rambling
Writer Questions
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
It has to be sczhieldengoethe. It's a torture spell, that imbues the victim with intense magical pain just by gentle touches from the spell-caster. It causes no immediate damage to the person, and won't transfer along a blood shimmer link. It will eventually start to fry the nervous system of the victim, however, and can leave the victim with intense pain spasms and lingering chronic pain. Why is this my favorite idea? Because it's the idea that spawned me writing original fiction again. I was struggling with fibromyalgia at the time and wanted to torture my blorbo with something that was similar to the phantom but deadly pain of fibro. Once I wrote 65k in the fanfic universe, I decided that I adored the story and needed it to be original. Thus, Euwenn Gilmore was born, and the Unbreakable Series began! (Get The Curse and some fun stickers here!)
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
I can't think of a question that really stuck with me, but I can think of a question that spawned an entirely new book. Does that count? A beta asked me if the genders and sexualities of my characters really mattered in terms of the plot, because it felt unnecessary. This caused me to 1) recognize that not every beta is correct for every story, and then 2) to write a prequel. Because in truth, their gender and sexualities are important, just not to the second book. They are integral to the prequel, though, and to how the characters get together and become who they are by the time they reach the second book. (Check out Severed Threads, the result of this comment!)
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
Favorite part? Literally everything. I adore pantsing the hell out of my stories, plotting out scenes in my head to determine, even the actual typing. I find tippy-tapping, as my wife and I call it when I'm writing, to be just as therapeutic for the physical clicking and clacking of the keyboard as it is for the creative process. I think the one thing I would get rid of is the "oh I wrote a thing and now I have to market it" bullshit. Why can't I just let my children fly into the world and that be enough????
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Writing is extremely therapeutic for me. I find delving into characters and plots allows me control in a way that I understand I can't have IRL. I can project onto my characters, let them experience and heal from trauma. Plus, creativity is soul-cleansing for me. If I have done nothing else in the day, but I have created? Then I have done something worthwhile.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
There's a reader for every story. No matter how niche your story is, there's someone out there who needs to read it.
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
You're actually pretty good at this. I started writing as a kid. Somewhere around 15 I decided that I was terrible, wasn't going to make it as a writer, and that having my friends in my head was "bad". (Baby me had some Issues.) Around ten years later, I got back into fanfic, and then eventually, original fiction. I recently reread the story I was working on (the original iteration of the Severed Threads gang) and I was like .... for a 15 year old? That shit was good. I wonder where I'd be if I had kept practicing and writing and exploring those lost ten years?
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
Honestly, right now it's got to be Finding Home. It's my most recent publication and I just love the story. Check out the back cover on my website, search it on amazon, OR OR OR buy it on my website and get some themed stickers and a bookmark :)
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Uhhhhh ... probably one of my villains, tbh. Most of my main characters are pretty non-controversial. I mean, I'd probably say Alabaster, since she's my main villain in the Unbreakable series trilogy bit (The Curse, The Rescue, and Alabaster's Revenge). I'd say she's a bit controversial because she's been wronged. She's been wronged by the plain (non mangical) police, who killed her son. No one has listened to her pleas, her ideas, her desires. But the way she takes that and twists it into reasons for revenge and murder ... well. Yeah.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Oh, she would be THRILLED. I always wanted to be a writer, to do something with this huge imagination that I have. :) She would be so excited for me!
I'll tag (no pressure -- only if you want to) @lofiyaketyblr, @frostedlemonwriter, and @goodluckclove and anyone else who wants in :)
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pitbullwithaship · 1 year ago
Okay, I think I might be emotionally prepared for both of the parts of this. Time to watch, wish me mental stability!
Planet Earth Intro
Oh there's a documentary narrator lol
Hello christmas
Pretty singing, gorgeous singing
Those kids are good
Tardis cameo?
Spooky woman?
Evil laughter?
Hi Doctor (he's mentally ill)
Hi Ood (he is aware of the Doctor's mental illness)
Snowy day
Ooh pretty city
Ood prophet cool
More evil laughter?? Hello?
Which man is dead
The Master? Maybe tis his wife at least (poor her)
It's not nice when time starts bleeding
Poor Lucy
Weird woman on the TV?
Okay resurrection generally isn't the greatest choice
This is culty
Til death do them part she's awesome
Person running? Master running?
I love Wilf he's so silly
Lol sending out the troops to find the Doctor
Okay so the Master is even more insane than before
Yay Obama
Creepy as hell my dude
That's horrifying
That's ultra horrifying jeez
Hello Doctor
Epic chase through a garbage dump
"Let me help" oh come on you've tried that before
Old people gang up to take a photo with him lol
Gets groped
Don't be sulky Doctor
Dude course you'll die that's just what happens
Not changed no
Aww hello Shaun Temple
They're cute, and he's glad she's happy, he's the ultimate depressed bestie
Merry Fucking Christmas
Awww he misses her so much!! This is so sad!!!
Doctor where are you going now!?
Idiots and fools
Dramatic western faceoff
I've said before, he's quite good at getting electrocuted
He's also vaguely suicidal but at the same time desperate to stay alive
Oh I know, he has the fear of death that only one who'd like to die can have
We can hear it
You are mad my dude
Flying light thing? Hello
Oh it's the government then I assume
Poor Doctor
Oh generic rich powerful dude has a book
Oh generic rich powerful dude has the Master
Okay generic rich powerful people are evil generic rich powerful people
The war was won and passed you by
Aww he never killed that wonderful I live Wilf
Usually if people say "whatever you do don't tell so-and-so" you should probably tell so-and-so
He loves her so much
Fair enough lol
Sylvia gurl
I thought it'd be cleaner I love Wilf
Wilf and Doctor friendship is the most pure flawless amazing one ever
Scientists rebelling maybe?
Nope those are aliens
If the censoring thing on the tardis got broken the Doctor would be scandalized by the amount of swearing his companions all do but especially wilf and donna
Shimmer shimmer
I love aka hate how he's wearing a dog collar
Oh shit
Oh dear
I guess they hide the presidents face cuz they couldn't get a real Barack Obama cameo which sucks
No he's not gonna love this
Oh dear a planet of Masters
Oh dearie me
That's disturbing
That's incredibly disturbing holy cows
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